Thursday, 25 July 2013

Private view

Thanks to my Mum for the assorted cakes and squash provided at the private view.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Back to the exhibition!

The twins hanging at Artsite! Roll up roll up.

Should have worn sun cream!


A couple of fun days by the sea on a job in Asprovalta - Spray paint 2011.
If you are interested in any of the murals paintings and want something on or in your business or home get in touch now as my diary is getting busy!

Commercial and Private Commissions Pt.2

Above is a hallway painting at a private home requested after the resident saw the below work in Nymphaia wedding and baptism store, Serres 2011.

Commercial and private commissions.

Jazzing up a living room - Acrylic and emulsion 2011

Left is part of a job for Poreia VW dealership Serres 2012.
Right is one of six spray painted pieces at Elpida Resort Serres in their conference suite, 2011.

Kids Room

 You don't need to read Greek to see what this job was about. Acrylic and emulsion 2012.

From the archive.

The Grey Wave.......Acrylic on canvas 2010.

Thank you for your support.

Exhibition set up......It is on now! If you haven't already, come to Artsite Swindon and check it out, it will now be showing Friday 26th and Saturday 27th July.